brestvodka October 13, 2021
5/ 5
Good range of alcohol

The sommelier from Germany participated in formulating a balsam recipe. He had come to the distillery many times, and made many adjustments to the balsam composition. Thanks to him, ginger, cinnamon and mint appeared among the other ingredients. This unexpected, but delicious, slightly sour and sweet combination has become the distinguishing feature of this new balsam. In the beverage name there is a premise to the German name, as a German had been involved in formulating this balsam, which, moreover, possesses a European flavour, and on the other hand, all the balsams of “Belalko” are extractive and include many components, fruits, herbs, berries. And the name translation means: master of herbs, herbalist. There are more than 20 plant-based components in the balsam composition

100 ml.
200 ml.
500 ml.
40 % ABV

Awards and diplomas


Vodka "Glubina", "Bogach luxury", "Khlebnikov classic", "Golden Bizon premium" and balsam "Krautermeister" received golden medals at the 1-st International Tasting Competition "Golden Wine & Spirits"